Note: A constant dollar is an inflation adjusted value used to compare dollar values from one period to another. Total health expenditures represent the amount spent on health care and related activities (such as administration of insurance, health research, and public health), including expenditures from both public and private funds.
Source: KFF analysis of National Health Expenditure (NHE) data
Note: Government public health activity includes organizing and delivering publicly provided health services such as epidemiological surveillance, inoculations, immunization/vaccination services, disease prevention programs, the operation of public health laboratories, and other such functions.
Source: KFF analysis of National Health Expenditure (NHE) data
Note: A constant dollar is an inflation adjusted value used to compare dollar values from one period to another
Source: KFF analysis of National Health Expenditure (NHE) data
Source: KFF analysis of National Health Expenditure (NHE) data
Note: 2020-2021 represents 1-year change
Source: KFF analysis of National Health Expenditure (NHE) data